Commission Structure
Revenue share model
The revenue share model for 12BET is divided into various product components, and the calculation for each product is explained below. The overall revenue share payable to the affiliate is the sum of all revenue share model components.
In all 12BET products, a revenue share model is available. This is a cumulative model that is based on the number of active players referred per calendar month in relation to the revenue of each product.
Regular Commission Structure
Revenue Share Tier Company Net Win For The Month (CNW)($) Qualifying Members Commission

All Products

> More details about 12BET products

1 ≤$3,000 ≥ 5 30%
2 $3,001 - $45,000 35%
3 $45,001 - $200,000 40%
4 $200,001 - $250,000 45%
5 ≥$250,001 50%
6 By Invitation Only Flat 50%
For the purposes of the table above, "Net Revenue" shall mean the amount of stakes placed by Players in the relevant calendar month exclude (i) returned winnings; (ii) any bonuses paid; (iii) Chargebacks; and (iv) any other revenue returns, credits, compensations or refunds given to Players.
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Platform Fee
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Banking Fee
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Net Profit
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Affiliate earns revenue share of Net profit based on Commission Structure Table.
Negative Balance
Any negative balance for a given month will be carried forward to the next. For example if for the month of January your affiliate account ends with -$2,555, this amount will be carried forward to February. If at the end of February your affiliate account earns $3,400, the total balance will be $845 ($3,400 deduct -$2,555).
However if your account is still making a loss at the end of February, for example -$1,600, then it will be added to the previous negative balance and be carried forward to March resulting in your March balance brought forward to be -$4,155. The commission earned shall then be paid according to the tier scale.
Commission Payment
You can request payout in other currencies other than USD. The currencies offered are RMB, MYR, THB, VND, IDR, INR and KRW. Respective exchange rate on the payout date will be applied.
We offer several methods of withdrawal:
  • Through your 12BET player account
  • Wire Transfer *
Affiliates are only allowed to have one withdrawal request for each calendar month. Should the Affiliates intend to request for a second withdrawal in any month, such request shall be subject to Affiliate Manager's approval. While we offer free withdrawal request however we will not be held responsible if the receiving financial institution or electronic wallets impose a fee of any kind at their end. The minimum amount of withdrawal request is USD$100.